
Genevieve Behrend in her book Your Invisible Power wrote,

"When your understanding grasps the power to visualize your heart's desires and holds it with your will, it attracts to you all things requisite to the fulfillment of that picture by the harmonious vibration of the Law of Attraction."

Wishes become horses so beggars can fly! The thoughts we have become manifest whether they are positive or negative. The Universe always delivers.

Custom paragraphs:

The Law of Attraction is deceptively simple. On the surface of it, one would imagine if they only wish for something long enough and strong enough, they will actually get it. This is a lot like the fairy tales we read as kids, where everyone 'lived happily ever after'. In reality however understanding the Law of Attraction and leveraging on the same calls for a lot of self-awareness and self-discipline. One also needs to be realistic to identify the pitfalls that can shatter ones' dreams.

1. Identify a Goal

In real life, identifying a goal is not as easy as it sounds. The goals we set also depend on our age and stage in life. Also, just as our lives are constantly evolving and changing, so are our goals.

Most recent instances

o A child would wish for a big car, a nice house - all the tangibles they can see with the 'happy' people around them.

o A teenager would wish for lots of money to do all the things they want and of course a great looking person of the opposite sex to do those things with.

o A young adult would wish for a good job that does not involve too much hard work, but one that would make them the cynosure of those around them.

o A middle aged person would wish for peace of mind and some leisure to enjoy the fruits of their labor.

o An elderly person would wish for good health and peace among their descendants.

2. List the stepping stones you will need to cross to reach your goal.

This is easier said than done. The stepping stones could easily change with changing circumstances around us, circumstances over which we have no control.
The stepping stones we have identified have also got to be periodically reviewed and revised. At the goal setting stage we may identify one set of stepping stones, but as we progress towards our goal, we find that in our naivet:%$eacute; we had identified a very simplistic set of stepping stones.

3. Focus on your goal

We are not living in a static environment, where we can single-mindedly focus on our goals in life. Our focus often gets side tracked by events happening around us - either to us directly or to others who are close to us. We may set our sights on a brilliant career. However if family misfortune or ill-health should happen, our focus on building our career would need to shift.
It is difficult to stay focused and not to get disheartened when we are not crossing the stepping stones that we had originally envisaged, when everything is not going according to plan.

4. Be aware of your energies

Our energies, positive or negative are controlled by our 'well-being' It is very difficult if not impossible to remain positive and radiate positive energies when things are falling around you or when you are surrounded by a pool of negative energies.

Just as you are radiating energies that are attracting others of similar energy, others around you are also radiating energies, energies that could be stronger than yours.

5. Man is not an island

Our lives are intertwined with the lives of others, we do not live in solitary confinement. Therefore just as our actions affect those around us, so do others' reactions affect us. The achievement of our goals is also dependent on the actions of those around us. The achievement of our goal could also get derailed by the actions of those around us.

Life could be compared to a jigsaw puzzle

o You have all the pieces, but do not have the image. You would go through considerable as you work on the puzzle and keep changing your mind about what you think the image is meant to be.

o You have a clear image, but not all the pieces. It is difficult to put the puzzle together. Knowing you do not have all the pieces in itself is a deterrent to completing the puzzle with the pieces you have.

o You are given the image but it is incomplete or unclear. You would form a mental picture on what the image should be, based on the part of the image that you can decipher. But as you work on the puzzle and the pieces begin to fit, you may find that once you have all the pieces in place, the image is quite different from what you thought it was.

o You are given an image, but it keeps changing. Depending on your frame of mind and things around you they colors could appear more vibrant or more faded. The vibrant colors would encourage us to crack the puzzle faster. The faded colors would be a deterrent.

The best scenario would be to be given a clear image with all the pieces and the icing on the cake would be directions on how to work the puzzle, in what order to fit in the pieces! In a lot of the jigsaw puzzles we work we have a clear image and all the pieces, but then life is not a game and so most often we do not have a clear picture, but rather an ever-changing picture. And while we are working out the puzzle of life we experiences a lot of changes of light that make the colors and shades appear different. Our surroundings also tend to change with more noise and distraction and people and events competing for our attention.

As Winston Churchill: said , "During their lifetimes, every man and woman will stumble across a great opportunity. Sadly, most of them will simply pick themselves up, dust themselves down and carry on as if nothing ever happened"

Such is life. Depending on the energies we radiate we will attract people and circumstances.

Depending on the surroundings in which we find ourselves, various opportunities will present themselves. It is then left to us to pick and choose our opportunities and to make the most of them. The journey of life will not take place with us standing on the starting block and focusing on the goal. We have to take that first step and the second step and then pick up momentum or else we will remain on the starting block and life will pass us by. We cannot stand on the shore and look for all the hidden rocks in the sea of life, and try and chart our course to our goal without taking the first step. The hidden rocks will keep shifting with the shifting sands.

We've just got to dive into life, come up every so often to sight our goal. Every so often we've also got to dive under the waves to sight the rocks and steer a course round them.

As Joan Curcio says, "Jump into the middle of things, get your hands dirty, fall flat on your face, and then reach for the stars."

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